Thursday, November 15, 2012


The Third Eye

The third eye noticed when I was painting and the paint squirted on the roof and I never cleaned it off.

The third eye notices when I read for 1 and a half hours and I'm supposed to be fast asleep.

The third eye notices when I come home hungry and I sneak a block of chocolate.

The third eye notices when I put more teaspoons of milo in my cup and I'm not supposed to make it taste like chocolate heaven.

The third eye notices when I play on the computer at night and I'm supposed to be in bed dreaming.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Ball throw. J.Z.

All ready

Aiming long

Running up

Realeasing ball

Goes up

Hits long

Smacks ground

Bounces further

Finally stops

Ended happily.

By J.Z.

Parachute SH

                                                                    The Parachute By S.H

                                                                   Bright colours
                                                                   Wild Flapping
                                                                    Crazy Children
                                                                     Exciting Games
                                                                     Under Parachute
                                                                      Parachute Down
                                                                       Parachute Up
                                                                       Times Up
                                                                        Swap Over
                                                                         Line Up

                                                                         By S.H