Monday, November 26, 2012

The third eye L.H

The third  eye  notices when I put bubbles in the laundry when I was supposed to eat my dinner.

The third eye notices when I play on my PSP when I'm supposed to be fast asleep.

The third eye notices when I kick my ball over my fence when I'm suppost to be inside.

The third eye notices when I took my dog out when I'm suppost to be in bed.

The third eye notices when I play on my computer when I am supposed to be in bed asleep.

The third eye notices when I play outside when I'm suppost to be inside.

The Third Eye Poem By P.B.

The third eye notices when I break my glasses and get my Auntie to buy a new pair without my mum knowing.

The third eye notices when I get up late at night and  I sneak the chocolate flavoured whipped cream.
The third eye notices when I bite my fingernails and they are as short as a leprechauns toes.

  The third eye notices when I steal my sisters phone and send  manipulative messages to her friends.

The third eye notices when I say that I'm going to hang my uniform up, but I just stuff it in my drawers.

The third eye notices when I tell my mum that I've put my clothes in the wash when they're actually in my closet.

The third eye notices when I chase my sister around the house with a knife if she steals the remote, then when mum gets home I act innocent.

The third eye notices what I talk for ages,  but when Mrs Foot looks at me I pretend I'm working.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Third Eye by S.T.P

The Third Eye notices when G and I steal snacks from the cupboard when we are thought to be asleep.

The Third Eye notices when I spend change on sweets when it should go back to mum.

The Third Eye notices when I use mum's special shampoo even though I am not supposed to.

The Third Eye notices when I put an extra spoon of milo into my cup when I am only allowed one.

The Third Eye notices when I stay up till 2am at a sleepover when I am meant to go to sleep at 9pm.

By S.T.P!

The Third Eye

                                                             The third eye

                                            The third eye sees when I don't like something on my
                                             plate and give it to my brother when I'm supposed
                                             to eat it.

                                               The third eye notices when I eat lots of chocolate
                                               when I'm not meant to.

                                               The third eye sees when I put extra ice cream in
                                                my cone when I was only allowed one scoop.
                                                  The third eye notices when I eat sugar even though
                                                   my mum says it's bad for me.

                                                  The third eye sees when I put lots of milo in my mug
                                                   then I get very sick.

                                                  The third eye notices when I buy lollies at the dairy and I am just
                                                   meant to buy milk.

                                                   BY S.H

Third Eye Poem A.E.

The Third Poem

The third eye notices
when I spend my mums change on Fruju Friday
when I'm supposed to give it back.

The third eye notices
when I eat chocalate
when I'm meant to be eating vegetables.

The third eye notices
when I pluck lemons from my neighbours tree
when I'm supposed to be on my bike.

The third eye notices
when I play x-box till 3.00 am
And I'm meant to be asleep by 9:00 pm.

The third eye notices
when I put my vegetables in the bin
when I should be eating them.

The third eye notices
when I go to sleep
andI should be brushing my teeth.


The third eye H.H

The third eye

The third eye notices when I sneak icecream up to my bedroom while my mum and dad sleep.

The third eye notices when I put uneaten fish down the food waster while my parents are upstairs.

The third eye notices when I steal my mums phone and play games when I'm not allowed.

The third eye notices when I cut bubblegum out of my hair when my mum is out.

The third eye notices when I put horrible vegetables into a tissue and leave it under my bed and my parents think I've eaten them.

By H.H

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The third eye B.N

The third eye notices
when I don't use shampoo
when I'm supposed to, so it stinks up my hair
as stinky as Mouldy cheese.

The third eye notices
when I lock the door in the toilet
and eat chocolate when I'm not allowed.

The third eye notices
when I sneak on the xbox at night
when I should be asleep.

The third eye see's
when I clog the garbage disposal with pizza bread
and say it was my brother.

The third eye notices
when I eat chocolate  under the table when I'm supposed to eat my vegetables.


The Third Eye

The third eye noticed when I was painting and the paint squirted on the roof and I never cleaned it off.

The third eye notices when I read for 1 and a half hours and I'm supposed to be fast asleep.

The third eye notices when I come home hungry and I sneak a block of chocolate.

The third eye notices when I put more teaspoons of milo in my cup and I'm not supposed to make it taste like chocolate heaven.

The third eye notices when I play on the computer at night and I'm supposed to be in bed dreaming.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Ball throw. J.Z.

All ready

Aiming long

Running up

Realeasing ball

Goes up

Hits long

Smacks ground

Bounces further

Finally stops

Ended happily.

By J.Z.

Parachute SH

                                                                    The Parachute By S.H

                                                                   Bright colours
                                                                   Wild Flapping
                                                                    Crazy Children
                                                                     Exciting Games
                                                                     Under Parachute
                                                                      Parachute Down
                                                                       Parachute Up
                                                                       Times Up
                                                                        Swap Over
                                                                         Line Up

                                                                         By S.H

BALL THROW Created by P.B in room 12

Waiting patiently
My turn
Walking back
Sprinting forward
Slowly stopping
Letting go
Ball lands

Sprints C.S.

I'm ready

Clapper bangs

Going off

See first

Coming second

Running faster

Behind K.J

Race ends

I'm  happy

Finals tomorrow

long jump G.S.S

Hats off
Shoes off
Line up
Watching jumps
Wait in line
Run up
Jump long
Land carefully

sprints A.S

Long legs
Sprinting fast
Top speed
Cllpper banging
100 metres
Competive  runners
Crowed cheering
Having fun

High Jump By SL

Line up
Get ready
Run fast
Speedy Legs
Jump High
Bar falls
Start again
Run fast
Jump high
Land safely

Sprints B.N

On mark
clappers bang
running fast
scrambling feet
falling over
almost there
Long legs
Race over


Long Jump E.B.


Shoes off

Sunblock on

Bottles down

Line up

Teacher shouts

Run fast

Rough mat

Leap off

Land down

Soft sand

3 meters

What a score!

By E.B

sprints M.T

Children ready

Get set

Clapper bangs

Kids sprint

Some fall

Running swiftly

Crossing line

Coming first


Long Jump AE

All ready

Get set

Running hard

Pumping fast

Legs motoring

Leaping off

Going far

Landed safely


Friday, November 9, 2012

Parachute H.H.

Shaking wildly
Screaming loudly
Pulling constantly
Crawling manically
Parachute lifts
All out
We're free
At last!

by HH