Monday, November 26, 2012

The third eye L.H

The third  eye  notices when I put bubbles in the laundry when I was supposed to eat my dinner.

The third eye notices when I play on my PSP when I'm supposed to be fast asleep.

The third eye notices when I kick my ball over my fence when I'm suppost to be inside.

The third eye notices when I took my dog out when I'm suppost to be in bed.

The third eye notices when I play on my computer when I am supposed to be in bed asleep.

The third eye notices when I play outside when I'm suppost to be inside.

The Third Eye Poem By P.B.

The third eye notices when I break my glasses and get my Auntie to buy a new pair without my mum knowing.

The third eye notices when I get up late at night and  I sneak the chocolate flavoured whipped cream.
The third eye notices when I bite my fingernails and they are as short as a leprechauns toes.

  The third eye notices when I steal my sisters phone and send  manipulative messages to her friends.

The third eye notices when I say that I'm going to hang my uniform up, but I just stuff it in my drawers.

The third eye notices when I tell my mum that I've put my clothes in the wash when they're actually in my closet.

The third eye notices when I chase my sister around the house with a knife if she steals the remote, then when mum gets home I act innocent.

The third eye notices what I talk for ages,  but when Mrs Foot looks at me I pretend I'm working.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Third Eye by S.T.P

The Third Eye notices when G and I steal snacks from the cupboard when we are thought to be asleep.

The Third Eye notices when I spend change on sweets when it should go back to mum.

The Third Eye notices when I use mum's special shampoo even though I am not supposed to.

The Third Eye notices when I put an extra spoon of milo into my cup when I am only allowed one.

The Third Eye notices when I stay up till 2am at a sleepover when I am meant to go to sleep at 9pm.

By S.T.P!

The Third Eye

                                                             The third eye

                                            The third eye sees when I don't like something on my
                                             plate and give it to my brother when I'm supposed
                                             to eat it.

                                               The third eye notices when I eat lots of chocolate
                                               when I'm not meant to.

                                               The third eye sees when I put extra ice cream in
                                                my cone when I was only allowed one scoop.
                                                  The third eye notices when I eat sugar even though
                                                   my mum says it's bad for me.

                                                  The third eye sees when I put lots of milo in my mug
                                                   then I get very sick.

                                                  The third eye notices when I buy lollies at the dairy and I am just
                                                   meant to buy milk.

                                                   BY S.H

Third Eye Poem A.E.

The Third Poem

The third eye notices
when I spend my mums change on Fruju Friday
when I'm supposed to give it back.

The third eye notices
when I eat chocalate
when I'm meant to be eating vegetables.

The third eye notices
when I pluck lemons from my neighbours tree
when I'm supposed to be on my bike.

The third eye notices
when I play x-box till 3.00 am
And I'm meant to be asleep by 9:00 pm.

The third eye notices
when I put my vegetables in the bin
when I should be eating them.

The third eye notices
when I go to sleep
andI should be brushing my teeth.


The third eye H.H

The third eye

The third eye notices when I sneak icecream up to my bedroom while my mum and dad sleep.

The third eye notices when I put uneaten fish down the food waster while my parents are upstairs.

The third eye notices when I steal my mums phone and play games when I'm not allowed.

The third eye notices when I cut bubblegum out of my hair when my mum is out.

The third eye notices when I put horrible vegetables into a tissue and leave it under my bed and my parents think I've eaten them.

By H.H

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The third eye B.N

The third eye notices
when I don't use shampoo
when I'm supposed to, so it stinks up my hair
as stinky as Mouldy cheese.

The third eye notices
when I lock the door in the toilet
and eat chocolate when I'm not allowed.

The third eye notices
when I sneak on the xbox at night
when I should be asleep.

The third eye see's
when I clog the garbage disposal with pizza bread
and say it was my brother.

The third eye notices
when I eat chocolate  under the table when I'm supposed to eat my vegetables.


The Third Eye

The third eye noticed when I was painting and the paint squirted on the roof and I never cleaned it off.

The third eye notices when I read for 1 and a half hours and I'm supposed to be fast asleep.

The third eye notices when I come home hungry and I sneak a block of chocolate.

The third eye notices when I put more teaspoons of milo in my cup and I'm not supposed to make it taste like chocolate heaven.

The third eye notices when I play on the computer at night and I'm supposed to be in bed dreaming.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Ball throw. J.Z.

All ready

Aiming long

Running up

Realeasing ball

Goes up

Hits long

Smacks ground

Bounces further

Finally stops

Ended happily.

By J.Z.

Parachute SH

                                                                    The Parachute By S.H

                                                                   Bright colours
                                                                   Wild Flapping
                                                                    Crazy Children
                                                                     Exciting Games
                                                                     Under Parachute
                                                                      Parachute Down
                                                                       Parachute Up
                                                                       Times Up
                                                                        Swap Over
                                                                         Line Up

                                                                         By S.H

BALL THROW Created by P.B in room 12

Waiting patiently
My turn
Walking back
Sprinting forward
Slowly stopping
Letting go
Ball lands

Sprints C.S.

I'm ready

Clapper bangs

Going off

See first

Coming second

Running faster

Behind K.J

Race ends

I'm  happy

Finals tomorrow

long jump G.S.S

Hats off
Shoes off
Line up
Watching jumps
Wait in line
Run up
Jump long
Land carefully

sprints A.S

Long legs
Sprinting fast
Top speed
Cllpper banging
100 metres
Competive  runners
Crowed cheering
Having fun

High Jump By SL

Line up
Get ready
Run fast
Speedy Legs
Jump High
Bar falls
Start again
Run fast
Jump high
Land safely

Sprints B.N

On mark
clappers bang
running fast
scrambling feet
falling over
almost there
Long legs
Race over


Long Jump E.B.


Shoes off

Sunblock on

Bottles down

Line up

Teacher shouts

Run fast

Rough mat

Leap off

Land down

Soft sand

3 meters

What a score!

By E.B

sprints M.T

Children ready

Get set

Clapper bangs

Kids sprint

Some fall

Running swiftly

Crossing line

Coming first


Long Jump AE

All ready

Get set

Running hard

Pumping fast

Legs motoring

Leaping off

Going far

Landed safely


Friday, November 9, 2012

Parachute H.H.

Shaking wildly
Screaming loudly
Pulling constantly
Crawling manically
Parachute lifts
All out
We're free
At last!

by HH

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

B.N's Divison rap

30 div by 3 = 10 just finished watching two and a half men
27 div by 3 = 9 that beach ball is mine
24 div by 3 = 8  I thought you were a real good mate
21 div by 3 = 7 I wish I was in heaven
18 div by 3 = 6 be there in a tick
15 div by 3 = 5 just finished playing xbox live
12 div by 3 = 4 just dont have enough for more
9 div by 3 = 3 please don't talk to me
6 div by 3 = 2 wait gotta use the loo
3 div by 3 = 1 just ate 2 big buns
0 div by 3 = 0 no ones a superhero

J.Z's division rap.

60 divided by 6 equals 10... I like look at the the big, Big Ben.
54 divided by 6 equals 9... I wish there were crystals in the dark mine.
48 divided by 6 equals 8... I hear everybody say "Gidday mate."
42 divided by 6 equals 7... Dream on. I'll just send you back into heaven.
36 divided by 6 equals 6... Just don't get caught up in the mix.
30 divided by 6 equals 5... You're speeding too fast on Ti Rakau Drive.
24 divided by 6 is 4... Let's announce that we have a war.
18 divided by 6 equals 3... You're gonna have to wait 'cause I gotta go pee.
12 divided by 6 equals 2... Or maybe I just have to do a number two.
6 divided by 6 equals 1... Or wait my homework is finally done.
0 divided by 6 equals 0... Now everybody calls me "Zuu Zuu the hero."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I am a pirate ship L.H.

The Ghoully Ghost
I can feel the slimy spiders on my black mast and I can feel the crashing surge on my stern and it’s icing in.
 I feel like there’s a green zombie on me and he is eating me up.
It feels like pitch white ghosts going in and out of me.
My flapping sails are blowing from side to side like an electrical storm with bright lightning flashing through them.
Will I reach my destiny?  Will I get my pot of gold? And will I achieve my goal

I am a Pirate Ship A.E.

Going To War
Splash! Splash! As I made my way towards dangerous war, my torn, ripped sails flap trough the rough wind.
My bow is slicing through the ripples in the waves urging me to battle. My masts holding on tight.
There was loud, noisy gun fire all around me.
I can feel the worn sails tearing, and pieces of the hull slowly chipping off but I am determined to continue and get to my dangerous victory.    

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Pirates and the Yo Ho Ho. E B

The pirates and the Yo ho ho!
 Once a upon pirate’s time there lived a peaceful family living on a rocky cliff by the ocean. The family had a mother, father, tiny girl, a younger brother a well-built dog and a bony dog.
 At the crack of dawn, when everyone was snoring away, even the dogs, a pirate ship cruised over to the side of the cliff. The pirates jumped off the boat, ascended up the cliff, went into the cottage and kidnapped the tiny boy.
They cruised back out to sea. Soon the boy woke up. When he saw that he was on a pirate ship he filled the ship with tears and cried for his mother. The pirates, who were the nicest pirates you would ever want to meet, not that you would want to meet pirates, soon got the boy to stop crying. They said that they would take him back as soon as he helped them recover their treasure, they had covered their bootie in a  mineshaft, but the mineshaft entrance was covered up and too small for them to get in, so they needed a tiny person for them to get their bootie. The boy agreed to try, and asked what the treasure was. The pirates said,  gold, diamonds, a bottle of rum and their yo ho ho!!
 They soon arrived at the small island. Quickly they sent the boy into the mineshaft to find their bootie “Don’t forget the yo ho ho!” The pirates yelled after him. The boy crawled into the mineshaft where he saw a lot of different paths. Soon he got lost and, once again started tearing up. Then he lay down and cried himself to sleep.
 The pirates waited and waited for the boy to come out, the pirates aren’t known for their patience, so soon gave up on the boy. They sailed back to the cottage on the cliff. It was still dawn and everyone was still snoring away, even the dogs, and again they took another kid but this time it was the tiny girl.
They sailed back to island and told the girl to go in the mineshaft and recover their bootie. So the tiny girl crawled into the mineshaft looking for the bootie, the bottle of rum, and the yo ho ho! But most urgently the tiny girl was exploring to find her younger brother. The pirates yelled don’t forget the yo ho ho! But the tiny girl also got lost. She sat down to rest like her younger brother, she soon snored away. 
The pirates waited and waited but soon enough gave up on the tiny girl. They hopped back into their ship and rowed back to the cabin on the cliff. They tried to take the well built dog but it started to crunch and slobber so they captured the bony dog   instead.
They glided to the island and thundered at the dog to go into the mineshaft and get their treasure, their bottle of rum and of course their yo ho ho!  The bony dog sprinted into the mineshaft so swiftly that the pirates didn’t get to thunder, ‘Don’t forget the you ho ho!’
 The pirates waited and waited. After many hours they saw the bony dog crawling out tugging on something. They thundered with joy! “The dog has discovered our treasure but instead of the treasure it was... the tiny boy. So they sent the bony dog back into the mineshaft. As quick as a flick the dog was crawling back out tugging on something. But once again it wasn’t the treasure it was... the tiny girl. The pirates sent the bony dog back into the mineshaft for the third time. They waited for another two hours they saw the dog crawling out, tugging something out of the mineshaft. Finally this time it was the treasure!!!
The pirates the tiny boy and the little girl cheered. Then again the pirates sent the bony dog back into the mineshaft to search for the bottle of rum and their yo ho ho! Again they waited for hours and hours and finally the dog was crawling out of the mineshaft. Pulling on the bottle of rum!!! Hooray everyone thundered. The tiny girl and the younger brother thundered. Even though they knew they couldn’t have any rum at all, the kids were excited for the pirates, the pirates seemed so pleased that it was impossible not be excited with them.
“Now all we need is the yo ho ho!! Said the pirates, they sent the dog on an adventure to get the yo ho ho!!They sent the dog back into the mineshaft. They waited for even more hours finally the dog came out slobbering on ... nothing. The dog shook his sad little head. No yo ho ho the pirates were gloomy that the dog did not find the yo ho ho but they were so happy with their rum and treasure so they decided to have a huge party right there on the tiny island. The pirates danced their jigs and sang their pirates songs and opened the bottle of rum and you know what the... yo ho ho!!!... was in the bottle of rum! And all of them even the boy and the girl chanted “yo ho ho” in a bottle of rum!! Until their mouths were so exhausted even the bony dog barked along. Not the end.
The pirates were filled with joy that they had discovered their yo ho ho that they made the treasure chest creek up. As they opened their chest they let the tiny girl and the younger boy, take whatever they wanted. The tiny girl took a terrific necklace full of diamonds and rubies. The younger boy took a golden bow and some diamond arrows, and the bony dog took a pair of dog golden bowls one for slobbering the food with and the other for water to gulp gallons and gallons of water.
The pirates cruised back to the cottage on the deadly cliff and put the tiny girl, the younger boy and the dog to bed. At the crack of dawn, the father and the mother, were so glad they jumped up and down with joy that they got to see their children- and the bony dog but didn’t believe the kids stories one bit, the treasure, the bottle of rum, or the yo ho ho. Really... The End.

The pirates and their YO HO HO! JT

The pirates and the Yo ho ho!
 Once a upon pirate’s time there lived a peaceful family living on a rocky cliff by the ocean. The family had a mother, father, tiny girl, a younger brother a well-built dog and a bony dog.
 At the crack of dawn, when everyone was snoring away, even the dogs, a pirate ship cruised over to the side of the cliff. The pirates jumped off the boat, ascended up the cliff, went into the cottage and kidnapped the tiny boy.
They cruised back out to sea. Soon the boy woke up. When he saw that he was on a pirate ship he filled the ship with tears and cried for his mother. The pirates, who were the nicest pirates you would ever want to meet, not that you would want to meet pirates, soon got the boy to stop crying. They said that they would take him back as soon as he helped them recover their treasure, they had covered their bootie in a  mineshaft, but the mineshaft entrance was covered up and too small for them to get in, so they needed a tiny person for them to get their bootie. The boy agreed to try, and asked what the treasure was. The pirates said,  gold, diamonds, a bottle of rum and their yo ho ho!!
 They soon arrived at the small island. Quickly they sent the boy into the mineshaft to find their bootie “Don’t forget the yo ho ho!” The pirates yelled after him. The boy crawled into the mineshaft where he saw a lot of different paths. Soon he got lost and, once again started tearing up. Then he lay down and cried himself to sleep.
 The pirates waited and waited for the boy to come out, the pirates aren’t known for their patience, so soon gave up on the boy. They sailed back to the cottage on the cliff. It was still dawn and everyone was still snoring away, even the dogs, and again they took another kid but this time it was the tiny girl.
They sailed back to island and told the girl to go in the mineshaft and recover their bootie. So the tiny girl crawled into the mineshaft looking for the bootie, the bottle of rum, and the yo ho ho! But most urgently the tiny girl was exploring to find her younger brother. The pirates yelled don’t forget the yo ho ho! But the tiny girl also got lost. She sat down to rest like her younger brother, she soon snored away.  
The pirates waited and waited but soon enough gave up on the tiny girl. They hopped back into their ship and rowed back to the cabin on the cliff. They tried to take the well built dog but it started to crunch and slobber so they captured the bony dog   instead.
They glided to the island and thundered at the dog to go into the mineshaft and get their treasure, their bottle of rum and of course their yo ho ho!  The bony dog sprinted into the mineshaft so swiftly that the pirates didn’t get to thunder, ‘Don’t forget the you ho ho!’
 The pirates waited and waited. After many hours they saw the bony dog crawling out tugging on something. They thundered with joy! “The dog has discovered our treasure but instead of the treasure it was... the tiny boy. So they sent the bony dog back into the mineshaft. As quick as a flick the dog was crawling back out tugging on something. But once again it wasn’t the treasure it was... the tiny girl. The pirates sent the bony dog back into the mineshaft for the third time. They waited for another two hours they saw the dog crawling out, tugging something out of the mineshaft. Finally this time it was the treasure!!!
The pirates the tiny boy and the little girl cheered. Then again the pirates sent the bony dog back into the mineshaft to search for the bottle of rum and their yo ho ho! Again they waited for hours and hours and finally the dog was crawling out of the mineshaft. Pulling on the bottle of rum!!! Hooray everyone thundered. The tiny girl and the younger brother thundered. Even though they knew they couldn’t have any rum at all, the kids were excited for the pirates, the pirates seemed so pleased that it was impossible not be excited with them.
“Now all we need is the yo ho ho!! Said the pirates, they sent the dog on an adventure to get the yo ho ho!!They sent the dog back into the mineshaft. They waited for even more hours finally the dog came out slobbering on ... nothing. The dog shook his sad little head. No yo ho ho the pirates were gloomy that the dog did not find the yo ho ho but they were so happy with their rum and treasure so they decided to have a huge party right there on the tiny island. The pirates danced their jigs and sang their pirates songs and opened the bottle of rum and you know what the... yo ho ho!!!... was in the bottle of rum! And all of them even the boy and the girl chanted “yo ho ho” in a bottle of rum!! Until their mouths were so exhausted even the bony dog barked along. Not the end.
The pirates were filled with joy that they had discovered their yo ho ho that they made the treasure chest creek up. As they opened their chest they let the tiny girl and the younger boy, take whatever they wanted. The tiny girl took a terrific necklace full of diamonds and rubies. The younger boy took a golden bow and some diamond arrows, and the bony dog took a pair of dog golden bowls one for slobbering the food with and the other for water to gulp gallons and gallons of water.
The pirates cruised back to the cottage on the deadly cliff and put the tiny girl, the younger boy and the dog to bed. At the crack of dawn, the father and the mother, were so glad they jumped up and down with joy that they got to see their children- and the bony dog but didn’t believe the kids stories one bit, the treasure, the bottle of rum, or the yo ho ho. Really... The End.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Pirates and their YO HO HO! O. B.

          The pirates and their yo, ho, ho!

Once upon a time their lived a nice, and happy family who lived on the tallest cliff in town. The family had a mother, father, sister, and a little brother. They also owned 2 dogs named Deadly and Bowser.
In the early morning when everyone was asleep, even the dogs, a huge pirate ship with torn sails and a rotten mast sailed to the very tall side of the cliff.  The pirates climbed up the mast and into the house. They took the little girl and sailed far away to the cave.
Half way there she woke up and cried for her mother. The pirates were the nicest pirates you would ever meet. They got the girl to stop crying. They said they would take the girl back when she had found their treasure and they also said that the cave entrance had gotten too small for them to fit into. So, they needed a young child to go into the creepy cave and collect their treasure.
The little girl agreed to try and then asked what the treasure was. The pirates said they had hidden a golden chest filled with gold and silver, a bottle of leaking rum and their precious Yo Ho Ho.
Soon they stopped in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. We’re here they all shouted. “Where are we?” The little girl asked. We are floating right on top of the map hidden inside some colourful coral and you’re going to help us find it, So put on a pink wet suit with me and let’s go find it.
So, they dived into the deep, dark ocean. But the pirate was so stupid; he dived into an iceberg and fainted on his head.
Then, the Captain jumped in and dove down deeper and deeper, and soon found the unsinkable but sunk Titanic. They soon found the map hidden in some bright coloured coral. The girl grabbed the map and started swimming for the surface. Soon she emerged from the surface of the water. She waved the map side to side as the pirates cheered. Then came up the Captain. “Wait a minute,” said the little girl. “The treasure is under the cliff that I live on,” said the little girl.” Under where?” Asked the pirates. (Not noticing they had said underwear.)
They sailed back to the cliff and the child snuck into the cave and soon got lost and cried herself to sleep. The pirates soon gave up on her and got Deadly the dog. They sent him in and he came out with a treasure chest.  They sent him back in and he came out with a bottle of rum. “Where’s the yo, ho ho?” asked the pirates. They looked inside the bottle of rum and there was the yo, ho, ho.                                                                                                                                                                              
And so they all got something. The girl got a golden necklace and the boy got a golden bow and arrow. They lived happily ever after.

The Pirates and the Jelly Bean R.T.

The Pirates of the Jelly bean.
Many, many years ago there lived a wonderful and graceful family. They lived on a high and rocky cliff and at the bottom of the cliff the bright, blue waves would break and shatter all over the sharp and musky rocks. There was a beautiful little girl named Lucy, a little toddler named Jack and they  owned a big bull dog named Buster. They had a daring mother named Liza and a tubby old dad named Bob.
One dull, dark morning when the family was asleep, even their big dog, a jelly like pirate ship had come sailing over the swishy, wild sea. Their ship was called the pirates of the Jelly bean. The pirates  walked near the old, flat house on the cliff and quietly drifted through the front door and kidnapped the little toddler named Jack. He had brown chocolate eyes that dazzled in the sunlight, and he had smooth blonde hair that swooshed in the breezy air.
The pirates took him on their jelly ship and sailed away into the fog. Little Jack finally awoke and found himself on a ship. He started to cry and scream and he yelled for his mother, “Mummy!” The pirates took him to a mysterious island and sent him into a cave the size of a window to find their special treasure map. Jack couldn’t find his way through, there were too many path ways, he got lost and curled up in the corner and he had cried himself to sleep.
The pirates waited and waited until they just gave up. They left him there by himself, set sail back to the house on the cliff, they snuck in and took the beautiful and daring Lucy. She had pretty blonde locks almost as long as Rapunzels, she had blue eyes and people wouldn’t notice but she had her very sneaky ways.
The pirates had dumped her in the ships lounge till finally she woke up. Lucy looked around and thought to herself, why am I on a ship. Suddenly she heard a noise ”Bang, bang, bang.” The pirates raced down the stairs, took her by the hands and rushed her outside.
They told her to climb through the cave and get their brown, old and dirty treasure map. She reached under the cave that she had squeezed herself through. The pirates waited and waited, Lucy couldn’t find her way, she got stuck in between all these paths, so she sat down and cried herself to sleep.
The plucky, old pirates quietly set sail back to the flat house on the cliff. They snuck in and took the big bull dog Buster.
The pirates of the Jelly bean took the dog to the mysterious island. They said to him, “Go in and find our valuable treasure map, go on boy.” The dog quickly raced into the cave and he brought out a SURPRISE.........
The dog barked in happiness. “Bark, bark!” He dragged out the surprise. The pirate said, “Aye,aye my hearty you have gotten me treasure map.” The dog laid it out in front of the pirates. It wasn’t the pirates treasure map, it was the children Lucy and Jack. They gasped in terror. The pirates sent the dog back into the cave, he came out again. This time it really was the dirty old treasure map. The pirates shouted out loud. “Yay!” And celebrated.
They all had jumped up on board the Jelly bean, and sailed through the wild and restless ocean to find their booty. They eventually dug up their booty.
The pirates let the little boy Jack, the little girl Lucy and their beautiful and fluffy bull dog Buster take whatever they wanted for themselves. Lucy took a shiny gold peace necklace. Jack took a golden Vikings cap, and their dog buster took one gold bowl for food and one silver bowl for drinks. Everybody started to set up a camp fire and they all sat around it to sing some amazing songs.
Later, they set off back to the house on the cliff. Jack, Lucy and Buster pounced their way back into their house, they wanted to sit down and tell their parents about their amazing journey. But of course, their parents didn’t believe their story. The pirates of the Jelly Bean hopped back on board and then started to sail the seven seas to steal treasure again.
By R.T.       

The Pirates and the treasure map A.E.

The Pirates and the Treasure Map
Once upon a wintry time there was a bunch of buccaneers having a beer on their pirate ship singing a jolly good pirate song. Let me introduce them, There was Scary Scar, Angry Andrew, Stupid Sam, Bossy Ben and Captain Bronze Beard, his beard was bronze and he was the most fearless pirate you would ever meet. He used pink and purple underwear for good luck.
They wanted to be the first to find the lost treasure, but they did not know where it was. “We need the treasure map,” suggested Stupid Sam. “Not helping.” Said Bossy Ben. The next day the pirates got their stuff ready for a good long sail. “All Aboard! All Aboard!” screamed Captain Bronze Beard. “Is everyone aboard?” “Yes sir,” they answered “Ok then, what are we waiting for?” “The checklist sir” “Ok then.”
Cannon ammo,” “Check,”
“Swords,” “Check,”
“Pistols,” “Check,”
“Pistol ammo,” “Ahh ahh no,”
“WHAT!! How are we going to fire pistols with no ammo?” “Have we beer and rum?” “Um um no.”
 “WHAT! We can’t sail with no beer and rum.”
 “Looks like we’re not sailing with no beer and rum.” “Ohhhh why?” “Because you forgot it, Stupid Sam.”
“Daa” said Bossy Ben. “We need ammo forget the beer and rum, you’ve got 10 minutes.” Ordered Captain Bronze Beard.
10 minutes later............  “I got the ammo,” said Violent Victor”
“Good” replied Captain Bronze Beard.
 “ALL Aboard! ALL Aboard!” screamed Captain Bronze Beard.
“Ok, let’s go on a good pirate adventure.
“Raise the sail Scary Scar” ordered Bossy Ben.
 “NO!Why don’t you do something?”
“What! did you say?”
“I said why don’t you eat something?”
“Good idea, I will eat something I’m hungry” replied Bossy Ben.
“Man he is bossy!” whispered Scary Scar.
“Go on look out!” “NO!” said Angry Andrew.
“What! Did you say?”
“I said NO!” “YOU DO IT!!” shouted Angry Andrew.
“I’ll do it you guys, you can’t do anything can you Bossy Ben?” Sympathised Scary Scar.
That night Violent Victor had a dream that the treasure map was in the ski slopes with dynamite all around it. So, when he woke up he said... “I know where the treasure map is!”
“Where, where, where?” Asked the rest of the crew.
“I had a dream it was in the ski slopes with dynamite all around it.”                    
“That’s fake stuff” said Scary Scar.
“It is not, I will be violent if you don’t listen.”
“I’ll take a chance. Set sail for the ski slopes!” Ordered Captain Bronze Beard.
“But which ski slopes?” asked Scary Scar.
“The closest one,” said Violent Victor.
“Is that right Captain?”
“Yes it is.”
They set sails for the ski slopes. When they reached the slopes...... there had been an avalanche and they could see the treasure.
“Yay!” Shouted the crew. 
“Told you Scary Scar,Ha ha ha!” Bragged Violent Victor.
“Whatever.”Sulked Scary Scar.
“Stop fooling around you fools. How are we going to get the treasure?” Violent Victor asked.
“This is the plan, have we got dynamite?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good so... we light the dynamite and put it on the dynamite surrounding the treasure and hopefully it doesn’t damage it.”
“Got it sir.”
“Light the dynamite!”
“Ok” 3 2 1 BOOM! The treasure box was open and full of............. I pads?
“What? I don’t want I pads, I want gold, diamonds, crystals, and rubies. So there is more treasure to find, but till then we will keep an I pad each.” The captain ordered.
 To be continued........................

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Experience - Pirates Of The Curry Bean ! ! ! By P.B

For the past few weeks we have been working on our production. The pirates of the Curry bean. There are brave sailors, loving families, fearless natives and grosse rats, cheeky monkeys and mean nasty pirates. But, I'm here to talk about my experience. I have had loads of fun acting and performing for Mrs Foot and the senior school and I'm lucky because I got the main female role, yeah thats right me! I'm the lead and when I found out that I was Pearl I was so excited that when I got home that same day I jumped up and down and side to side, and it took me hours to calm down. Its been a great time for me to learn more about acting and getting to know how productions work because I only came here this year. Its an amazing opportunity and I've loved it.  Being the lead is very nerve racking because most of it is focused on you and... what if you make a mistake and you choke or something? What if you fall over? It would be so embarrassing. But I think I'll be good!  And I was.    

Monday, August 20, 2012

Speech-Being Dennis the Menace for a day. C.S

Dennis the Menace for a Day

Have you ever watched your cat stretch out, fast asleep in the sunshine and thought to yourself, “It’s a cats life”.
I have, that’s why my speech is about swapping places with my cat Dennis the Menace for a day.  
The first reason I want to be my cat Dennis the Menace for a day is, I wouldn’t have to work too hard.  I could sleep 16 to 18 hours per day so I can keep my stress levels down.
I wouldn’t have to get a job to get money because humans give cats homes and food.
I also wouldn’t have to do homework and go to school.
If no one gave me food to eat, my natural instincts would kick in, I could catch birds, lizards, fish and bugs to eat every now and then.
Another reason why I want to swop places with Dennis the Menace is, he has fantastic balance, agility and athletic skills.
Cats can jump 5 X their height.  My cat can jump from our outdoor table to the roof with expertise.
I could climb up a tree so I could see prey. My cat jumps into my tree house to watch birds and mice.
Cats can survive falling from high places.  I could run40 KM in short distances, that is great to catch prey.
In long distances cats can run 30km, I could get away from a dog if a dog got off its lead.
Another reason I want to swop places with Dennis the Menace is, he can see in the dark.
Cats can see in light 6 X darker than humans.
They can go to the toilet in the dark without turning on the light and saving electricity, or if they are hungry they can hunt for a mouse in the night, or a bird, a lizard, a fish or a bug.
If I mistakably woke a dog in the night the dog wouldn’t even see me.
I think being my cat Dennis the Menace for a day will be the best day of my life.

Speech-Safe Boating K J

My family and I are a boating and fishing family. We love to go out on to the ocean and enjoy its gifts. The only problem is .... other fools who just go out on the sea and don’t know what to do to keep themselves safe. My speech is about why everyone who owns a boat should have a boat licence.

The first reason is people should get their boat serviced. People should get their boat serviced because something might happen to the boat that you don’t know about. For example, once when we were about to launch our boat the motor wouldn’t rise up because a cord got trapped and stopped moving. Servicing the boat fixed it. I want to tell you a story about Bob the bumbling boatman. Bob brought a boat and decided to take it for a run but he hadn’t got it serviced first, silly Bob. So the day Bob went out to sea, suddenly the motor stopped ... oh no what am I going to do?

If you get a boat licence this will mean you get educated well on the rules of boating. A guy called Kyle brought a boat but before he got a boat licence he learnt the following:
·       Courses on safe boating
·       How to be a responsible skipper
·       Tell someone where you’re going and when you will be back
·       Making sure everyone is wearing a life jacket
·       Carry spare fuel, oars, a bailer, fire extinguisher and flares
·       Take two types of phones, marine and cell phone
·       Know the area you are boating in
·       Check the weather forecast
·       Keep a look out at all times
So Kyle has learnt a lot to be safe and what has Bob learnt, ummmm nothing, still nothing, nada, zero, not a chance, no one ringing here, nope, not today, no one’s home!

Everyone wants to enjoy themselves when they go out in a boat. Kyle has done the education so he and his mates can go and enjoy themselves. Bob hasn’t done the education and isn’t having so much fun. There’s so many things that you can enjoy on the sea safely if you had done a licence. While Bob has broken down and has no phone, no oars and is going nowhere, Kyle is off to go fishing for extra big snapper and kingfish. Then, diving for scallops (mmm yummy) and to finish the day go wakeboarding with his friends.

So in conclusion, while Kyle and his family and friends can enjoy boating safely on the water because he has done a licence, Bob is a danger to himself and to others because he hasn’t done any education. Now do you want to be like silly Bob or would you rather be like Kyle?     

Speech-Why should we write speeches? J Z

Another year, another bunch of boring speeches. It’s the time of the year to write your speech. This is my third year listening to your boring speeches. Enough chit chat, time to talk about boring, boring speeches.

Speeches can be so boring and annoying. I even surveyed my class and 20 out of 21 people said that yes speeches are boring. I mean look at how many speeches we’ve had to listen to today. (Yawn)    Hands up if you are actually still awake. No one? Yeah... I didn’t think so. According to survey, two people said that it was because you had to do a lot of writing and planning. Another said it was because ideas are hard to think of. People just can’t even be bothered to use expression, emphasis and gestures; I mean standing on its own is tiring and we need to relax because we are all hard workers. There was another person who said that you had to find a lot of evidence. Evidence? Proof? ...Tiring.

Speeches can be sooo stressful, look at me now; I’m having stage fright and heart palpitations. My heart is pounding right now. Can you hear it? (Boom Boom Bom Bom) My knees are shaking hard core. People who get stage fright usually have the symptoms of: dry mouth, tight throat and sweaty hands. Yup that’s me. You also need to get the timing perfect at 3 minutes that is if you want to write a speech but three minutes that is way too hard. You could speak too fast or too slow and it just takes too much effort.

Speeches are such a waste of time. We could be doing something else such as spelling, P.E., maths, you know the fun stuff. I mean it’s still learning and exercising so why can’t we just do that? We’ll also have to make cue cards which take a while and this means you have to write it all over again. If you use technology you’ll type it on the computer which takes forever with single finger typing and print it on the cards. You even have to cut it out unfortunately I can’t cut straight! Speeches only help in one way when you’re older, and that is getting you a job at an interview. We use a speech when we want this job and persuade interviewers why we should get it. You use reasons to back up why you should get this job like your skills, experience, dedication and enthusiasm.

Wait a minute maybe speeches are not so bad after all. We know they’re boring and stressful but if they eventually get you a job and riches, I guess it’s all worth it. So if you want a job, go write a speech.                                                                 BOOM!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Speeches B.N.

We have been learning about speeches. This is what I've learnt.  Some people get nervous before they do their speech and in the middle of it they stop and get nervous to say it and they don't want to say their speech, like me! On Monday I didn't want to say my speech because I felt nervous and I wanted to go last
so I wouldn't laugh at my speech all the way though. I did some actions like staring straight and pounding my chest. Ther's no need to be nervous, all you need to do is get it done and over with. You have to get evidence and back it up, it's pretty easy but people get fed up with it. You put it on cue cards. The one thing I hate about  cue cards is they have to be the same size! Thank you for reading By B.N.

Speeches S.T.P

We have been learning about speeches. This is what I've learnt. I've learnt that each paragraph must be about the same topic only, and the paragraphs must have a lead in sentence that tells people what you are going to talk about. You can't only have personal anecdotes in your speech, you also have to have evidence(proof), internet reasearch and surveys. You need to have an intro(introduction), a conclusion and lots of evidence. A lot of people get stage-fright and stage-fright is given to many people who have to write a speech.This is all the information I have learnt. Thank you for reading. By S.T.P

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We are going to be having a visit from author John Parker in the library this Wednesday. You can read all about him and see some of the books he has written on display in the library. Maybe you can even have a question ready for him!

Friday, July 20, 2012


Wow what amazing different types of fish there are. After learning about parts of a fish I would probably never have thought about fish before.

It would be dangerous for a fish not to have a lateral line because it would not be able to sense vibrations in the water. E. g if a big person walked in a room you would feel a big vibration, but if it was a light person you probably would be less likely to feel them walk in the room.

Did you know if that if a fish lost their eyes it wouldn’t matter, on the other hand if a fish lost its nostrils they would die of starvation because they would not be able to sense their prey.

I think an eye on a fish is a decoration because a fish’s eye sight is not very good.

Ahh the memories! I remember when I was little kid,  we went snorkelling to Goat island. We saw lots of fish but manly snapper YUM!

Fish are amazing not just to eat but to learn about too. Did you know that a sea horse has gills and more.