Monday, August 20, 2012

Speech-Why should we write speeches? J Z

Another year, another bunch of boring speeches. It’s the time of the year to write your speech. This is my third year listening to your boring speeches. Enough chit chat, time to talk about boring, boring speeches.

Speeches can be so boring and annoying. I even surveyed my class and 20 out of 21 people said that yes speeches are boring. I mean look at how many speeches we’ve had to listen to today. (Yawn)    Hands up if you are actually still awake. No one? Yeah... I didn’t think so. According to survey, two people said that it was because you had to do a lot of writing and planning. Another said it was because ideas are hard to think of. People just can’t even be bothered to use expression, emphasis and gestures; I mean standing on its own is tiring and we need to relax because we are all hard workers. There was another person who said that you had to find a lot of evidence. Evidence? Proof? ...Tiring.

Speeches can be sooo stressful, look at me now; I’m having stage fright and heart palpitations. My heart is pounding right now. Can you hear it? (Boom Boom Bom Bom) My knees are shaking hard core. People who get stage fright usually have the symptoms of: dry mouth, tight throat and sweaty hands. Yup that’s me. You also need to get the timing perfect at 3 minutes that is if you want to write a speech but three minutes that is way too hard. You could speak too fast or too slow and it just takes too much effort.

Speeches are such a waste of time. We could be doing something else such as spelling, P.E., maths, you know the fun stuff. I mean it’s still learning and exercising so why can’t we just do that? We’ll also have to make cue cards which take a while and this means you have to write it all over again. If you use technology you’ll type it on the computer which takes forever with single finger typing and print it on the cards. You even have to cut it out unfortunately I can’t cut straight! Speeches only help in one way when you’re older, and that is getting you a job at an interview. We use a speech when we want this job and persuade interviewers why we should get it. You use reasons to back up why you should get this job like your skills, experience, dedication and enthusiasm.

Wait a minute maybe speeches are not so bad after all. We know they’re boring and stressful but if they eventually get you a job and riches, I guess it’s all worth it. So if you want a job, go write a speech.                                                                 BOOM!

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