Monday, August 20, 2012

Speech-Safe Boating K J

My family and I are a boating and fishing family. We love to go out on to the ocean and enjoy its gifts. The only problem is .... other fools who just go out on the sea and don’t know what to do to keep themselves safe. My speech is about why everyone who owns a boat should have a boat licence.

The first reason is people should get their boat serviced. People should get their boat serviced because something might happen to the boat that you don’t know about. For example, once when we were about to launch our boat the motor wouldn’t rise up because a cord got trapped and stopped moving. Servicing the boat fixed it. I want to tell you a story about Bob the bumbling boatman. Bob brought a boat and decided to take it for a run but he hadn’t got it serviced first, silly Bob. So the day Bob went out to sea, suddenly the motor stopped ... oh no what am I going to do?

If you get a boat licence this will mean you get educated well on the rules of boating. A guy called Kyle brought a boat but before he got a boat licence he learnt the following:
·       Courses on safe boating
·       How to be a responsible skipper
·       Tell someone where you’re going and when you will be back
·       Making sure everyone is wearing a life jacket
·       Carry spare fuel, oars, a bailer, fire extinguisher and flares
·       Take two types of phones, marine and cell phone
·       Know the area you are boating in
·       Check the weather forecast
·       Keep a look out at all times
So Kyle has learnt a lot to be safe and what has Bob learnt, ummmm nothing, still nothing, nada, zero, not a chance, no one ringing here, nope, not today, no one’s home!

Everyone wants to enjoy themselves when they go out in a boat. Kyle has done the education so he and his mates can go and enjoy themselves. Bob hasn’t done the education and isn’t having so much fun. There’s so many things that you can enjoy on the sea safely if you had done a licence. While Bob has broken down and has no phone, no oars and is going nowhere, Kyle is off to go fishing for extra big snapper and kingfish. Then, diving for scallops (mmm yummy) and to finish the day go wakeboarding with his friends.

So in conclusion, while Kyle and his family and friends can enjoy boating safely on the water because he has done a licence, Bob is a danger to himself and to others because he hasn’t done any education. Now do you want to be like silly Bob or would you rather be like Kyle?     

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